It's the happ...happiest season of all!!! Or at least it is supposed to be! So far, it is bringing me a somewhat feeling of sadness. Don't get me wrong, I am really enjoying the Christmas season and everything but I am actually praying that it doesn't come as fast as it usually does. The thing is, if it does come fast then that means that I have to leave sooner and I am excited about where God is taking me but I am not excited about leaving what is going on in my life/church/hometown. I am gonna miss it a LOT (sorry Mrs. Crowe)!!!

I just started going to a new church and I am so glad God brought me here. [Oaklawn Baptist: we put camo on our license plates] The fellowship is amazing and God is teaching me so much through His messengers. There are some really AMAZING people here and I am not excited about leaving them. In the past 3 months I have gained MANY new friends and rekindled a couple old friendships that were on the rocks (YAY!!). I LOVE GOD!!! He is so amazing and I know that He has a lot in store for me in Lynchburg, VA at Liberty University but I am going to really miss all my new friends, my old friends, and the things He is doing in all of their/our lives.

So, I am really focusing on really getting the entire "experience" out of this holiday season...more than ever before. Hey, we are supposed to strive to make ourselves better than the day before. I really don't want to get hung up in the gift-giving and party-going idea of it all. Instead, I want to meditate on Why Christ was born (which is the reason we celebrate anyway, huh?) and ask Him to help me grow and not take advantage and fall into the hustle and bustle (or Flow, whatever).

Anyways, take time this holiday season and really think about why you celebrate. Don't miss out on what God has in store for you by focusing on what is so easy to get lost in!!

And to all my friends that I am going to miss dearly (and who like to remind me that I am leaving soon and that ya'll aren't happy about it...) Lets make this one special...and not because you're glad I am leaving, you can party when I am gone! (Just don't let me know, cuz I'll cry)


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