I have been putting of posting for a while because I was hoping my next blog would be an exciting one that was focused on my acceptance into Baptist College of Health Sciences Nursing program. Many of my posts consisted of my ramblings on and on about how stressed and frustrated that the process is taking so incredibly long. I had a good feeling that it was coming and I would know sooner than later. Unfortunately, they STILL have not made a decision on me yet. But, I still have hope, rather, I still have FAITH that God in His amazingly perfect timing, is still writing my story and has something amazing in store. Why should I worry? Why should I fret? I say that I have this faith and that I know my all-knowing and all-powerful God WILL come through for me, but still I worry. What is worry but doubt coming to fruition and rearing it's ugly head? So, I guess if nothing else, my Father above is showing me to have more faith in Him even when...especially when... it seems like there is no end to the obstacles placed before me. "There's always gonna be another mountain, I'm always gonna wanna make it move!"

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