OK, so I am moving back to LU in January, which I am really excited about but there is one thing that keeps me frustrated. I cannot find a place to live!!! I need one!! I know that God is going to work it out, but I am so impatient that it stresses me out! So, I would ask for all of those who read this or care to pray for me that God will bless me with being able to find somewhere in my price range! I would greatly appreciate that.
On another note, these times we are approaching are very busy, the thing is I am not as busy as I usually am. I guess that has something to do with the fact that I am not in school right now and I do not have a job, (I need that too!!)
Anyway, hope everything is going well in whoevers lives that are reading this. Have a great day and I guess I will Holler at ya'll some other time!
*~*PeAcE oUt DoG!!!*~*
On another note, these times we are approaching are very busy, the thing is I am not as busy as I usually am. I guess that has something to do with the fact that I am not in school right now and I do not have a job, (I need that too!!)
Anyway, hope everything is going well in whoevers lives that are reading this. Have a great day and I guess I will Holler at ya'll some other time!
*~*PeAcE oUt DoG!!!*~*